Sunday, July 25, 2004

licensing and the DNC

I sat through what was close to 15 hours of the electrical code refresher course.  What a fucking joke.We mostly listened to a guy who, reading out of a book identifying each change in the code...we didn't even learn every change because he went too slow to get through it all.  I paid $140 for the class plus I need to send $68 to the state to renew my license.  They kept pushing us to get our masters license(which I guess is OK, but more fees and such...catch my drift?)  This is supposed to help us learn what new developments we've found?  The code book is structured just like the government.  It started out pretty basic, and every few years enough "suggestions" are gathered up to put out a new edition...which obviously costs us more money.  the book says things like "a grounded conducter will be deemed the bond in service equipment" then it will say "exception:  those conducters that occupy a conductive raceway(they mean...metal pipe) then the raceway shall be deemed the bond."  then there's the fine print note.  some appliances may not have a grounded condutor in which case the ungrounded conductors must be encased in a conductive raceway, and there fore be bonded through the raceway 

All I'm saying is that there are so many easier ways to say this stuff...but it's gotta be complicated because how many jobs depend on it.  Furthermore if you choose to be OK with the code book thing, then you know that nobody has the code book memorized...the point in going to school was to learn how to find stuff in the book...When we get together to refresh our knowledge...shouldn't we be talking about the recent developments?  like how the arc fault breakers work, or to hear what the trends are...recessed lights or overhead lights...dimmers?  incandescent or halogen...everyone wants a 200 amp service stupid as these trends are, at least we could talk about that instead of hearing a guy read  us articles from a code.  I would rather just pay them the money to get a pamphlet of all the changes.  and skip listening to a guy drone on and on...I did learn some things but only because I chose to...and I know how to find things to learn every where I go.

As far as the DNC, I'm gonna stop typing for a minute, stand up, then walk around a little, then sit back down and start typing again.  See that wasn't so bad.

Anyway...what I see happening is the entire government,save a few "other party electees" getting together to throw a big party with our money.  They're coming to town to rally feel good, experience Boston.  spend all the wages they stole from you on having a good time.  They are mocking you..."hey let us come to your city and celebrate how we weaseled so much of your money out of you with our millions of elected officials, and government offices.  Oh and keep us safe while you're at it.  The money they spend will then get redistributed...a little of it to the service workers...maids,bartenders, cab drivers...but some of that money goes to the city government.  So even when the politician spends government money on you, some of that money ends up back in the government.  When somebody earns a large amount of  money he/she pays taxes on that money and then more taxes are taken out if he/she chooses to give that money to somebody.  Unless its a charity.

And charities take that money and redistribute it through THEIR bureaucracy and whatever is left they use to help whatever they claimed they were helping.  Why do we follow blindly?  Look around you. Somebody said the system is good because of all this stuff we did, technology and so on.  But the working man is the true man that produced this stuff...The lowest paid human beings in this country have made all of this possible.  What good has politics ever done for the people?  Think about that...Name something that politics did that was good, and I'll show you how politics created the bad that necessitated what good they did do.

Anyone else reading this...I extend the challenge...e-mail me with what the government ever has done to improve life. 


Anonymous said...

That is a thought provoking question. You may argue that Social Security is a good hing or a bad thing, but without it, many elderly people would not have any retirement income at all.

But let me ask you this - would the slaveowners have voluntarily given up $2B of free labor (in 1860 dollars) if they had not been forced to by the Federal Government? How about school integration?

Would we have a Labor Day or a 40 hour workweek, if Big Business had not been forced to grant these things?

Anonymous said...

Yes sir...In 1886 some people in Chicago got together to reduce their work day to an eight hour day.  We may have abolished slavery...but it was only to help the government enslave the slaves.  If one man had slaves, the governemt wasn't able to get money out of those slaves.  So they liberated the Africans to start  making money off of them.