Saturday, April 30, 2005

Reprinted portion of article

Superficially, anarchism is a movement of the Left but this is not strictly
so, since it implies being part of the political spectrum. Anarchists reject
this, asserting that there is more in common between Right and Left
political parties (like the struggle for power) than between even extreme
Left political groups and the anarchists. History has shown us that no
matter how 'Left' a party is when it starts off, the achievement of power
brings it round to the Right, for every government wants to maintain the
status quo; wants to extend the control it has over the people, and isn't
this what the Right really means?

Certain right-wing attitudes are specifically rejected by left-wing parties
- until they become useful in the power game. 'Divide and Rule', for
example, can be played with many variations, from wage differentials to
religious and colour prejudice, and although nationalism is intellectually
rejected by the political Left, they quite shamelessly use what are quaintly
called 'National Liberation Movements' when it suits their political
ambitions - and a 'Left' party in power knows very well the usefulness of
nationalism and indeed patriotism as a weapon of government. Even if this
were not deliberate cunning on the part of a so-called 'revolutionary
government', the logic of authoritarianism leads to it.

--this was reprinted from 

also check out for a haunting view of patriotism before even the World Wars were fought.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Divide and conquer

     Divide and conquer. The key to taking control. It works on many levels in many different environments to accomplish many different goals. From something as simple as eating your dinner to something as extreme as taking over a nation; divide and conquer will work for you. Sometimes it is a matter of who is dividing who to decide who will ultimately conquer the situation. Just when it seems that success or failure is inevitable, the tables can turn.

     We divide and conquer life everyday. In order to clothe ourselves in the morning we take one article of clothing and put it on. Then we take the next article and put it on. If we tried to put all of our clothes on at once we would fail miserably. Like the old adage says, “He puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like you.” When you feel overwhelmed with errands, the best thing to do is to accomplish each task one at a time. Go to the bank. When that is settled, go to the post office. After you have mailed your bills, head for the supermarket. Once you are fully stocked with groceries, head home. Again, divide and conquer. Open one bag of groceries and take one item out and put it away. Move to the next item, then the next bag until all of the groceries are put away. It seems so simple, yet it is one of the most powerful strategies in the world.

     The list of uses for the strategy includes sporting events. Keep the opposing players from being able to work together. In football, the defensive line needs to force the offensive line to separate to allow a linebacker to rush in towards the QB. In basketball, players try to isolate players and keep them from being a viable option to receive a pass. That will cut down on the dribbler’s options and make it harder for him to operate. In fact the season itself can be a success with a well-known attitude of “one game at a time.” No need to spend any concentration on a game that can’t be played until after the next game is played. It can be chopped down to drive at a time, one play at a time, or one pitch at a time.

     This strategy is effective when attempting to become the leader of a group. To become the most dominant of the pretty girl clique, it’s best to start with one girl, convince her that you like her, but that the other girls don’t. Tell her secrets and/or lies, then move to the next girl and do the same thing. When they are all busy fighting each other, you move in and take control, restore order and you are the leader.

     A horrifying way that this strategy has been used throughout history is war. Many a king, tsar, or emperor has used it to take over land, and use it for his own purposes. As he leads his army into the territory, he looks to catch his opponents scattered. If he can’t catch them outside of their attack formation, he will attempt to force them into smaller groups. To do this, he may concentrate on a section of ten men and shoot between them and the main group until they get away from the group. Then they are much easier to deal with. Cutting small groups of men from the crowd like carving a turkey, eventually all that is left is a carcass of an army. The winner of the battle is the side that can divide and conquer more effectively. Sometimes a war is won by forming meaningless battles that divide an army over hundreds of miles of land. In any event, divide and conquer.

     We as a people are the victims of such malaise. Since there is no direct bloodshed, we don’t tend to have any sense of urgency about it. In fact most of us don’t realize what is happening. As humans we are divided in many ways. Nationality, race, age, appearance are attributes that we don’t have a whole lot of control over. Citizenship, religion, political beliefs and social station we can alter. These only begin to describe the many ways we are against each other, when it is proven time and time again that working together makes things much easier. Instead we are led to fight with each other over mundane differences that have absolutely no bearing on making life easier for everybody. Issues such as: red state/blue state, liberal/conservative, old/young, smoker/non-smoker, war/peace; Black/White/Hispanic/Asian/Arabic can be divided even further within each race, and even further then. Black: dark skinned/light skinned White: American/European Hispanic: sexy Latin/dirty Mexican Asian: Japanese/Chinese Arabic entrepreneur/suicide bomber. All these little issues divide us into many armies, some of us belonging to multiple armies. The end result is the wool that is pulled over your eyes.

     In today’s day and age, we have the ability to grow large quantities of food in a small area. Yet people who could help us accomplish our main goals with the proper nourishment are starving. There is plenty of space on this world for all of us, yet we are forced to crowd around the source of money leaving vast parcels of land vacant. We have the knowledge to overcome nature in the desert, in the tundra, and even at sea. All those people with jobs in the financial industry are just pushing papers around, they have no use in the actual port of resource. There must be a reason why we are convinced that we shouldn’t work together to make this beautiful place better. Don’t believe the lies when they tell you that the people from a foreign land want to kill you. It’s the leaders of those foreign lands that dislike the leaders of our land. And both leaders send off our citizens to fight the battles for them. Your sons and daughters being slaughtered in the same fashion as some poor man in Iraq, who is led to believe that the U.S. and all it’s citizens are evil. But as long as the masters divide us humans, they will continue to conquer. They will always rule over you until you realize that we are the driving force in this world. Without us, they are nothing. Without them, we remain the same.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Education, or lack thereof

"[If a] people [are] so demoralized and depraved as to be incapable of exercising a wholesome control, their reformation must be taken up ab incunabulis. (((Their minds [must] be informed by education what is right and what wrong, [must] be encouraged in habits of virtue and deterred from those of vice by the dread of punishments, proportioned indeed, but irremissible.))) In all cases, [they must] follow truth as the only safe guide and eschew error which bewilders us in one false consequence after another in endless succession. These are the inculcations necessary to render the people a sure basis for the structure of order and good government." --Thomas Jefferson       

In triple parentheses I've earmarked one sentence.  In this sentence Thomas Jefferson is saying that social wrong-doings should not be dealt with by imposing fear upon the wrong-doer.  At the present time we are led to be good by fear of punishment instead of being taught how we can co-exist and lend our hand towards society.  We are punished (usually monetarily) for our wrong doings but never given a reason why we should behave.  We have the education, we have the answers, but those who feel their intelligence gains them a certain advantage are using it to keep you down.  I'm sure you feel like your life isn't so bad. 

     I'm sure you believe that you don't have time for this nonsense.  I'm sure you have your own stress to deal with.  And as long as you hold that attitude, nothing will ever improve.  We will find more technology to give us better lives, yet our most basic needs will always remain the same.  We will always find it harder and harder just to stay alive, despite the luxuries we afford.      Maybe you are at a point in your life where you don't worry about food and shelter.  Maybe that entertainment center you put on your credit card is the main cause of your stress.  Maybe you are more concerned with why your kids are misbehaving than whether or not you can feed them.  Maybe you want to know why your friends have lost their jobs while the owners of the company still show up in limosines.  Whatever station you are in life, you are probably a little above the most destitute of the world.     

      Instead of reaching out to a third world country to help them live the way you do, you are taught to fear the possibility that you might end up like that third world country if you don't follow the rules.  This country is based on the people making the rules...yet most of the people here don't follow the rules because they understand their impact on society; they follow the rules because they don't want to get in trouble.  Didn't we hate to ask our parents, "why not?" and get the response, "because I said so?"  Yet we do it anyway.  There are millions of punishable acts in this country, how many did you vote for?  How many laws did you support?       I personally supported the laws that were basic human right and wrong.  I support a law that says we shouldn't kill each other.  I support a law that protects our rights.  I support a law that says we shouldn't take what's not ours.  Yet most laws are to allow big corporations to take what isn't theirs.  To protect those with the most money.  Until you realize that the police are not here to protect you, you will be exploited.  The police are here to protect the rich.  By happenchance they may protect you as's part of the scheme to keep you believing.  They freed the slaves from a life of work with food and shelter just to give them money to buy food and shelter.   But they still are slaves   

 In the thousands of years of human experience, there have been many educators.  The most important ones were silenced.  The most important ones were labeled.  The most important ones are even taught in school, yet they never speak of the ideas...just the man.  You will see big changes in this world before you die.  Don't think that history is just history.  It's life, and we are about to survive a difficult transition to the new.  If you are not ready for it, we will just be continuing the same cycle that has produced war and poverty.  Even if you do nothing about it now...keep these ideas in mind.  They will help you form a new plan.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

me we, you them

Lack of freedom is self inflicted

Fooled by the power they depicted

Follow their message straight to the gutter

You follow, but I hear your mutter

Livin by the rules that don’t do right

Can’t find the courage to stand up and fight

Knowledge never hurts in the long run

Sooner the better, while we’re havin fun

Pushin ideas from one to another

All my boys, my sisters my brothers

Social studies like you learned in school

History as told by government fools

They thought they’d slip it by us

They really shouldn’t try us

Knowledge never hurts in the long run

The sooner the better, while we’re havin fun

You’ve been told time and time again

The power is within you , use it then

How long can they resist our desire?

How many die by the power of fire?

If they’re on our side then why do they dish

The shit on your cake, make a wish

Star light, star bright first star on the news tonight

Break my chain and let me take flight

This land is our land, not their land

Find your brother and take their hand

Knowledge never hurts in the long run

The sooner the better, while we’re havin fun


Is this what you want?

The government is trying to desperately occupy my time.  They don't know that I am against them, but what they are doing right now is getting in the way of progress.  So let my friend here tell you some things.


    Jolly Roger
    The New Slavery
    Fri Apr 1, 2005 15:37

The average American in the year 2005 lives a fragile existence, in a struggle for survival that can be ended by missing a few paychecks. The carrot at the end of the stick which was formerly known as “the American dream” has been replaced by a whip that can best be described as the American nightmare of homelessness, and slow, early death. You no longer work to achieve a better life for yourselves and your children. You work to keep a roof over your head, and you pray that you don’t lose it. You became a slave when fear replaced incentive as your motivation to work, but I still suggest that you work while you can, because if the company you work for can’t send your job overseas, the U.S. government is allowing 2000 people per day to enter this country illegally, because they’re willing to do your job for less.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a “white collar” or “blue collar” employee. If you’re an American, you’re too highly paid. There are billions of people who want your job, and your government is doing all they can to see that you lose it to them. You see, we’re not really Americans anymore. Now we’re just anonymous faces in the “global village,” because our government has sold our nation to foreigners and international bankers, and the new bankruptcy law has doomed the American citizen to a life of debt slavery. They’ll insist that illegal immigrants are only doing jobs that Americans refuse to do, and you’ll probably believe it, because if you’re watching the TV that shovels that crap, you probably still have your job. The illegal immigrants are doing jobs that Americans always did, and every unemployed American I talk to can’t find a job anywhere. And just like the European immigrants that flooded this country before the economic depression of the 1930's, today’s illegal immigrants also have no gripe with a government that has allowed them work for high wages in America, and send billions back to their homeland. Nor do they care very much about our constitution, bill of rights, or way of life. They’re only here for what they can grab, and our government has welcomed them with open arms, because they’re grabbing it from you.

You’re already working much longer, and much harder, to achieve a much lower standard of living than the previous generation, and 25 percent of working Americans no longer even get a vacation. The Social Security retirement age has been raised to match the life expectancy of American males, so apparently, you’re also expected to work until you’re dead. When you do finally get a vacation, they only trip you’ll be taking will be in a pine box, and that’s only if you’re one of the lucky ones. Most of us will only get the state-issued canvas bag that gets tossed into the pit with all the others. If you don’t mind the fact that you’ll be working until you’re dead, you might also want to consider the fact that you’ll get nothing for your labor, because this nation’s economy is about to crash like a freight train, and when it does, everything you’ve worked for will vanish. After the depression gets ugly, and your family has made the adjustment from three meals per day to three meals per week, the newspapers will blame your hunger on “the economy,” as if it were some magical force that uncontrollably ruined a couple hundred million lives. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Politicians and international bankers can manipulate national economies at will, much in the way the media manipulates your mind, and a decision has been made to impoverish Americans, because global government requires that everyone in the world have an equally low standard of living. Simply put, we’re being robbed of all we’ve worked for, because our government wants us to be poor, hungry, and docile, dependant upon them for our existence, and in fear of them for our lives. The government of the United States is intentionally destroying the economy of the United States, because the politicians and the international bankers they work for have decided that the American way of life, and catering to the demands of the American constitution, is simply too expensive.
Regardless of how wealthy you think you are, you actually have no real money at all. The “federal reserve notes” that are in your wallet, and your bank account, aren’t really money, but are actually only paper on a debt that can never be paid, not even by combining all the assets and labor of every American alive today. Any loan-shark with a third grade education will tell you “the paper’s no good,” and naturally, the foreign investors who allow us to float this debt, have come to the same conclusion.

What is commonly known as the “U.S. dollar,” represents a debt that is owed by the U.S. federal government, to the federal reserve bank. The federal reserve bank happens to be the privately owned entity that lent the money that’s represented by the paper in your wallet. The federal reserve act signed away everything you own, and the fruit of your labor as collateral on this debt, and as foreign investors are becoming increasingly unwilling to invest the $2 billion per day needed to cover the interest, our creditors will want to collect it.

About 90 percent of all Americans are mortgaged to the hilt, and would have little or no assets left if all debts and liabilities were to be paid.* Most Americans have taken advantage of low interest rates, and are now paying a mortgage on their homes. The booming real estate market has made every purchase profitable, because the price of a home always rises. The problem is that the price of a home today is incredibly over-inflated, and the real estate boom that’s been keeping the American economy afloat, is about to bust. Interest rates are going to rise, and the price of your home is going to drop drastically, which will leave you stuck paying for a house that probably wouldn’t pay the interest on your debt if you sold it. If you’re lucky enough to remain employed, inflation will shred your paycheck until you can no longer make mortgage payments. This is when you need to remember that when a nation’s economy collapses, the wealth of the nation doesn’t disappear, it only changes hands.

Millions of Americans are about to be tossed into the street, and because we’re a kinder and gentler America, from the street they’ll be tossed into shelters. Once in the shelter, they’ll be wards of the social service system, which will make sure they all have food, and a bed to sleep in. In exchange for that food and shelter, the “welfare reform” act will put them to work at jobs where they will collect no additional salary. I guess the idea of “welfare reform” is a lot more acceptable to Americans than “forced labor” but regardless of what you call it, many Americans will soon experience slavery once again, and the slaves are not just sweeping public streets. Under the welfare reform act, many Americans are being put to work for private companies for no wages other than the cost of their food and shelter, both of which constitute the bare minimum requirements of survival. By causing the economy to collapse, and then “saving” the poor, our government can legally force millions of Americans into slavery. The new slavery will be blamed on “the economy,” and it will employ a much larger percentage of the population than it did before the civil war.

To understand how they’re accomplishing this, we need to turn our thoughts back to our monetary system, because due to the fact that it is no longer based on the gold standard, our government is in control of the money supply, and that gives them the ability to cause rampant unemployment, which is exactly what they’re doing. The framers of the U.S. constitution protected us from this brand of tyranny, but because Americans were foolish enough to ignore and/or trust their government, they will become slaves, but most of them will blame themselves for their plight.

Article 1, Section 10, of the U.S. constitution clearly states that “no state shall... make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts.” The constitution’s prohibition of “fiat money” (what’s in your wallet) guarantees that the wealth of the nation remains in the hands of the people, which leaves the government incapable of stealing the population’s wealth, as they’re doing today. You can collect all the dollars that you like. Our government decides what they’re worth, and by keeping the presses working overtime, they’re insuring that the dollar will soon be worthless.

The U.S. department of labor has also changed the way it collects data regarding unemployment, which allows for the fraudulent unemployment figures that are printed in the newspapers, and allows working Americans to believe that things aren’t really that bad. Their new “household survey” system avoids counting most of the poor by basing unemployment figures on telephone surveys. A real estimate, based on population and payroll taxes, reveals that about 25 percent of the American workforce is presently unemployed, and that will eventually force them into the social service slavery system. Unless your mortgage and debts are completely paid off, and you can still pay your property taxes, there’s a good chance you’ll soon be joining them. Welcome to the third world, and to an American world, where slavery is legal once again.

What are you going to do when your government forces you into slavery? You can’t avoid it, because if you’re homeless, you’ll be rounded up and brought to a “shelter”, where you’ll be fed, and probably medicated if you’re not happy to be there. With so many people becoming homeless, it will be easy for them to find an apartment for you, and social services will pay your rent, and give you food stamps.

Soon after that they will find you a job, but naturally, you won’t be taking home a paycheck because you’re in debt to the social service system. They’ll tell you that you’re working your way back to independence, but since your salary will never be more than your expenses, you’ll work for free until you’re dead. If you refuse to work, the government “assistance” will be cut off, you’ll be back out on the street, and you’ll probably do your next job with a shackle around your ankle.

I’m not asking that you waste the time or paper required to write your congressman, because they don’t care what you think anyway. What I am asking you to do is to remember something. When the economy does crash, and you’re forced into the street. I want you to remember that this isn’t your fault, and it’s not the result of a “bad economy.” Please remember that you’re poor, hungry and homeless, because that’s where our government wants you to be, and they intentionally destroyed the U.S. economy because they want you to suffer, and beg. And regardless of how bad things get, never sell your rifle. -- Jolly Roger

“Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens..... Lenin was certainly right.”
John Maynard Keynes**

*90 percent of all Americans are mortgaged to the hilt, and would have little or no assets left if all debts and liabilities were to be paid. --- Rep. Traficant to U.S. Congress.

**John Maynard Keynes is the economist for whom our present monetary system is named.

Unlike this nation’s wealth, anything written by Jolly Roger is the property of the American people, and the author hereby grants permission to anyone who so desires to post, copy, forward or distribute this letter as they see fit, and in fact, the author encourages you to do so.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Eye of the Beholder

I just watched the movie JFK. I know it has been out for a while, I just never got around to watching it. This entry is not about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It’s about the perceptions that each and every one of us hold on to based on our beliefs. To me, the movie brings up a logical argument about the killing, and it is backed up by the theorists who believe that JFK was not murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald. Whether you choose to believe those theorists is probably something you’ve already decided upon. A lot of people may just say, “It’s just a movie.” Well let me tell you another story that can result in that same conclusion.

There is a movie out that depicts the dying days of Jesus Christ. It shows very logical methods of beating and torturing the son of god, and it is backed up by the theorists that believe Jesus died for our sins. But in the end, “It’s just a movie.”

What makes either of these movies any truer or falser than the other? Which one has a better likelihood of being true? The one that is based on a story that’s been passed down for years and years, or the one that tells the story of events that were played out on television a mere 40 years ago?

Yet we continue to claim to know right from wrong, good from evil, left from right, blue from red. What you see as reality may not be what I see. In fact what you see may be completely in your head. After all, aren’t our senses mere electrical impulses designed to trigger our brains? Think about an amputated leg. It has been said to remain as a ghost limb. A limb that seems to be there, yet can not be seen, touched, or moved.

Faith has only coached us through life without ever giving us a better understanding of things. You may say, “God has a plan.” I say that if we were given the opportunities to discover the positive and negative impacts from everything that happens on this planet, we may just turn this world around. Every system of society so far has been plagued with crime and corruption, death and destruction. Why not try something else? What do we have to lose? How can you have faith in God so much, yet never believe that God sent me here to open your eyes? Won’t he be pissed when he asks you about me, and you tell him, “I ignored him father…he denounced the church.” To which God replies, “I DENOUNCE THE CHURCH! They have done nothing but exploit you in my name for thousands of years! I send men after men with a message, and you ignored them all. Whatever will I do with you?”


     We've all made our judgements of rap music at some time in our lives.  Whether you love it or hate it, you must realize that it isn't all the same.  I used to love it when I was younger, but the artists I listened to were intelligent rappers.  There were, and still are your "party songs,"  but there has been an increase in gang-banging, womanizing, drug-using rap songs ever since the 80's.  But one thing I have to say about Eminem.  He spins a verbal web that encompasses a lifestyle that many rap-listeners can identify with.  He uses his voice as an instrument (something that he wasn't able to do at the beginning of his career)  But the one thing that bothers me about the way he, and other rappers are perceived; is the lack of realization that he is an entertainer.  This comes from the fans and the detractors. 

    Many people have persecuted him for telling stories about his life that aren't true.  In fact many rappers have a reputation that isn't really who they are.  But even if Eminem didn't grow up the same way he says he did, one thing remains...somebody else did.  Many kids did.  When they hear his music they may not know what life Eminem really led, all they know is that his lyrics hit them smack dab in their own hearts.  The same effect goes with inner-city kids who idolize their favorite "ghetto rappers."  Now before the angry moms start writing their letters, I do realize that Eminem has some foolish songs as well.  Foolish songs to make his fans laugh, to give them the comic relief that they need to survive their day to day life, and also to reach the most people with his music in an effort to make more money  (I'm sure you saw that coming.).

     So whether you agree with Eminem's music or not...he is serving a purpose in this world.