Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Thieves fall into four categories

     First category:  The lowliest of thieves on the theft food chain.  These people find ways to steal food, clothing or shelter.  They may shoplift food, or make up stories at the fast food restaurant to get free food.  They may shoplift clothing or claim jackets from the lost and found.  They may squat in an apartment, or find shelter on private property.  The simple fact is, these people have it the worst and find whatever they can to self-preserve their own lives.  Who are we to judge why they can't work for a living?  So I say, they should not be spit on.

     Second category:  The occasional thieves are the next step up.  These people keep the extra change when a cashier screws up.  They might pocket a small item at the supermarket or home improvement warehouse while they shop and pay for more expensive items.  These thieves are generally sympathetic to people that are closer in class to their own situation.  They wouldn't steal from a "Ma and Pa" shop.  These thieves are targeted by the large corporations, so much so that these corporations have orientations to educate their employees to recognize..  They feel if they could deter the "occasional" thieves, the losses they suffer from our next category wouldn't mean a thing.

     Third category:  Professional thieves prey on corporations as well as individuals.  When dealing with a corporation they are cunning and daring.  They will load up a shopping cart full of expensive power tools and walk (or run) right out the door with them to a waiting car.  Same thing happens at a clothing store, when a person walks in grabs a stack of jeans and leaves.  These people have what is called a "fence" to unload these products at an attractive price.  People in this category also may burglarize a home or automobile, and fence the items they steal.  More professional thievery includes robberies, embezzlement, insider stock trading...any way you label it, these guys do it for a living.  When they get caught, they may even have enough money to pay for a fancy lawyer...any way you slice it, they will learn from their mistakes.

     Fourth category:  The most elusive of thieves, are the ones that use family history.  They have solidified thievery in such a way that they have many ways to make you believe that life is 'just' so long as you follow their rules.  They have even been smart enough to convince you that the rules you follow are rules that you set forth through the democratic process.  They have so much money, and so much advantage in this world that they can pay to have hired thugs to protect them.  If a "normal person" finds a way to stop their thievery, they can pay a congressperson to pass a new law to protect them.  They have the police and the military at their service because as long as the people believe in their system...money means everything.  And if money means everything, most human beings will take advantage of the extra money to "get ahead."  It's the same reason that "bad people" exist.  They do bad things because they believe it will give them an advantage.

     Think of every bad thing that you are happy to have the police protect you from.  When a man murders another man...it's because he feels it will give him some advantage.  Maybe he can take over the territory of that man, make more money in the drug dealing business, and have a better life.  Maybe selling drugs is the bad thing he does...because he believes it will give him more money.  Maybe he murdered the man because he was afraid the man would continue to stand in his pursuit of happiness.  The same holds true for robbery and other thievery.  The ones that commit it feel it will give them an advantage.  As long as our system allows us to take advantage of each other, we will have people trying to do so.  But getting back to the robbery.  If you get paid by the hour, you are a wage slave.  You are creating things that are worth a certain amount in this world, but you are not getting your just due.  Worse yet, since you are being stolen from, you have to spend more of your time to keep your own life in order.  We call this freedom?  The same as when you have to replace your stereo after a burglary, you are being held up by the owner of the land where you have your job, and being held up bythe government.  Think about the percentage of income tax you pay to the IRS, then your state government (not all states have a state tax) then the sales tax, then excise taxes, gas taxes, alcohol taxes, nicotine taxes, early retirement taxes, property taxes.  That is bad enough, but what if you don't follow "their rules?"  Then you can add that parking fine, speeding ticket, court costs, late penalties...where does it end?  We deserve to be free.  There is only one group of people that is allowed to be free, they make up a very small percentage of people, and they want to keep everyone else from being free.  They will stand in the way of anybody trying to be free.  These people belong to the fourth category of thieves.  They are the rich that get richer, while the poor get poorer.  They are the proverbial "THEY."  The machine, the system...the people that most great rock and rollers have spoken about.  How many songs have they inspired since "Woodstock" times? 

     Keep this in your head...you will need it within the next ten  years.

Thursday, June 9, 2005

you know they know, so what's the deal?

The story below is taken from http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/news/article.adp?id=20050607035109990008 

Whether you like pot or not...people want pot legalized.  Medicinal purposes are only the beginning.  You don't have to smoke pot to care about the legalization of a plant.  A natural plant.

While the justices expressed sympathy for two seriously ill California women who brought the case, the majority agreed that federal agents may arrest even sick people who use the drug as well as the people who grow pot for them.

Do you agree with the ruling?

No 79% Yes 21% Should federal drug laws be changed to allow medicinal use of marijuana? Yes 82% No 14% Not sure 3% Total Votes: 140,098 Note on Poll Results

Monday, June 6, 2005

Break the rules

     In the course of every day events, many rules tend to be broken.  Here's a few

When needing a public restroom, if the restrooms are single occupancy and the men's is occupied, I'll use the woman's.  The door locks, so there is no risk of being in the restroom with a woman.

When a car in a parking garage backs out of its space, if it is easier to drive on the left side of the road to allow the car to escape while I take its spot, I will.

When I need to cross the street and there is absolutely no traffic in the middle of the night, I will not push the button and wait for the walk sign.

When driving, if there are no cars near enough to me to be affected, I won't use my blinker.

Occasionally I have jumped the turnstiles at the subway; not to get in, but to get out when a second token was required to leave the station.

OK, not occasionally...every time.

When the sign in the laundry room says to clean the lint trap AFTER each dryer load, I clean the lint trap before the dryer load.  You can't trust somebody else won't accidentally forget to clean the lint trap, but if you clean the trap before your load...you can be assured it won't cause a fire.  The next person can clean the lint tray after my load and before theirs.

When an electrical device says to shut off the circuit breaker before installing, I frequently install it without doing so.  It's much quicker and more convenient most of the time.

Similiarly, I have worked on my automobile without removing the negative ground from the battery.

I have purchased a CD and copied it for a friend, and I have copied a CD my friend has purchased.  (I know most of you out there have done even worse than that.)

Keep this entry in mind...I will be adding to it.

Friday, June 3, 2005

Interest Only

     There is a new loan in the real estate market called an interest-only loan. In this loan, you pay the bank the interest that would accrue if they lent you the money to buy the house. Instead of paying $2,000 towards the principle on your house and $1,000 towards the interest, your mortgage payment is $1,000. Sounds great right? After all, you only need the house for as long as your alive. Why bother buying the house? Just pay the interest on the loan that you didn’t get. If you’ve been following me at all, I hope you realize that you might as well be paying rent. The bank will own the house whether you pay for 1 year or 20 years. The more people they can convince to do this, the more control they can take over the land.

     Now let’s explore who runs this country. We live in a free democracy, right? We have the right to tell the government how it should run. We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Yet, how is the government run? Who makes the laws? The politicians that are elected to office. The politicians in turn beg for as much privacy as they can have. Tinted windows on a limousine allow for meetings out of the public’s eyes. Meetings where money can exchange hands in return for legislation favoring this industry or that industry. This is where the corruption begins, but it is not where it ends.

     You are the average American, maybe you have a little more or a little less than the rest of us. That makes no difference. If you are reading this and you haven’t put a call in to the police to protect yourself from me, you are part of the majority. As the financial industries take over the land with these new interest-only loans, they will have more and more money, and with it comes more power. The power to outbid all opposing industries in their bribery of the legislators. You may ask yourself why we can’t throw those kind of politicians out of office and vote in ones with integrity. You may blame your fellow Americans for letting these criminals into the system. But ultimately you have a price. The more money that is offered, the more likely you will crumble. The decisions you make as a career politician won’t affect your personal life, unless your deceit is exposed to the people. So now you just have to make sure you make enough on the bribe for potential blackmail money. Do you see how this government cannot make life better for anybody but the powerful elite in this country?

     We must stand up and speak. We must realize that it is their goal to occupy all your time in order to keep your natural free spirit out of the equation. It is up to them to dangle more menial luxuries for you to try to acquire. It is their job to keep the prices to the basic needs of life rising, while all your electronic gadgets get cheaper and cheaper. They don’t need a light at the end of the tunnel, just the continual success of their brilliant strategies. They are very organized, and have taught you from birth to obey your masters. Obey the church, the schools, and of course the law. We don’t need them to run our lives, we just let them. All it takes is a little organization of the majority to show the bosses who runs this world. For the sake of taking baby steps, you can keep your money, you don’t have to give it to anyone…you just need to show the fat cats that they are nothing without you. When that happens, all this talk about interests rates becomes obsolete. The bank won’t be in the middle of your agreement with the seller of the house you wish to buy. We can talk about property appreciation and equity another time, the key is to keep the money in your hands and the hands of the American people that are just like you.