Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Who are you?

     I call upon you, the people that read these words...who are you?  What is your purpose in this world?  Have you found a way to promote a well being within your own family?  Have you been able to succeed in things that any other human can succeed in?  Have you fallen short of succeeding in the things that have led to the riches of our most respected members of society?  If not, have you found a way to use your intelligence, or pay for another's intelligence to accrue wealth from a member of the working class?  A member that is just happy to get his hourly pay?  Does that make you better than him?  Maybe you believe that it does...maybe that person that takes $10,000 of your money to build a deck to your house allows you to sell your house for $20,000 more.  Without lifting a finger you just made $10,000. 

Of course you will be pleased with this result.  Obviously you will gain from the labor of another.  But did you earn this money?  You know you didn't, but in this present system you know that having money will help you make money.  Therefore, the gap between the rich and the poor will grow.  The system works for you, right?  If those losers aren't as good as you, it's their own fault that they don't get to enjoy the earnings you get, right?

Well, what about the day that those people decide to screw you over?  What if your sub-servants refuse to increase the value of your home?  Then what?  Don't you see why you should be on the side of the working class?  Nothing exists without the working class, and slowly but surely that class is beginning to realize how important they are to the creation of all the wealth we enjoy today.  When they realize that they are the driving force, all those people that looked down upon them will be the first to be ignored when a revolution is sparked. 

You can rest upon the laurels of the foolery that has earned you your false riches...or you can sow the seeds amongst the men that gave you everything that you enjoy today, and maybe...just maybe, they'll help protect  you, and take you in as one of their own...otherwise, you will be that person scrambling for safety, with no real skills to save you. 

Make your decisions now, for you may not have much longer to hold up this injust system.

Sunday, May 22, 2005


Supposedly we are the smartest living beings on this earth...yet we have the only members of any living species that chooses to end their own lives.  Something is wrong...Let's get together and fix it.

Uproot the weed instead of cutting its leaves

     What I find in dealing with the opposition is that they are always concerned with the little details of the argument.  For instance, I read a web page about the Just War Theory ( http://www.iep.utm.edu/j/justwar.htm)  and the debate was about consequential philosophies and intrinsic philosophies.  The debate talked about how to go about war and what targets are not acceptable in war.  It talked about how vague one side could be, or how restrictive the other side can be.  My point is that war altogether is an awful thing created by the hands of the powerful to try to lasso the whole world for their own lives of luxury.

       It makes me wonder if I can get to the root of the problems I wish to solve, or if I must solve symptom after symptom to be effective.  My fear is that I will end up so consumed with solving the symptoms that we will never get to the real problem.  In today's society we are consumed with finding pills to solve our headaches, blood pressure problems, and even depression.  Never is it profitable to find the reason that these things become problems.  This is why the profit system continues to create more madness on the world.  The more problems that arise from breaking the laws of nature, the more business opportunities exist in this world.

       The end result is that those with money will always have interest in keeping the majority a victim of consequence, instead of making them benefactors of prevention.  It seems that most prevention campaigns, especially through the media are paid for by companies that will save money in the event of a successful campaign.

    We have the manpower to solve every problem known to man, but as long as it is profitable to solve only the symptoms we will never realize our true human destiny.  We have the power of free will and complex thought.  We should be able to make this Earth into its own heaven if we put our heads together.  Until the majority of the world stops following the proclaimed leaders of this world, those leaders will continue to keep conditions in their favor.  It doesn't have to be like this.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Thomas Jefferson...again!

Thomas Jefferson's
Warning To America

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

* Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1802) and later published in The Debate Over The Recharter Of The Bank Bill (1809)Thomas Jefferson's
Warning To America

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

George Orwell

In addition to his book about Big Brother in which you must now realize that not only are we video taped a majority of our lives, but the rest of our lives is monitored in various ways, he wrote the subject below in a book called Homage to Catalonia.   This entry is about his time in Spain after the Spanish Civil War in the 1930's.  The attitudes described fell apart only due to outside military actions.  We wouldn't want people thinking that human beings are naturally good cooperative people. (sic)       I had dropped more or less by chance into the only community of any size in Western Europe where political consciousness and disbelief in capitalism were more normal than their opposites. Up here in Aragon one was among tens of thousands of people, mainly though not entirely of working-class origin, all living at the same level and mingling on terms of equality. In theory it was perfect equality, and even in practice it was not far from it. There is a sense in which it would be true to say that one was experiencing a foretaste of Socialism, by which I mean that the prevailing mental atmosphere was that of Socialism. Many of the normal motives of civilized life – snobbishness, money-grubbing, fear of the boss, etc. – had simply ceased to exist. The ordinary class-division of society had disappeared to an extent that is almost unthinkable in the money-tainted air of England; there was no one there except the peasants and ourselves, and no one owned anyone else as his master.

Why do they call it race?

The purpose of skin colors, hair amounts, and physical builds are to help a particular human survive in its native wilderness. Once the population of a specific region has become civilized enough to build durable shelters, these features start to lose importance. As the descendants of these newly civilized groups of people spread out and mix with other cultures with different features, the difference in these features fade away. Anyone has the right to associate with whomever they want. Inside the civilization (however advanced or not) the people work together to produce shelters. This is a simplistic way to say that many people of skill and knowledge erect structures that slowly chip away at the need for some of the natural defenses they were bestowed with. This cooperation has nothing to do with skin color, or nationality. Skin color has no real influence on the cooperation, only a perceived influence.

A person who concerns themselves with the true worth of a human being instead of the skin color can mate with someone of a different shade of skin color. Skin colors range from practically white to just about charcoal. The skin colors of two mates can compromise the shade of skin color, as well as other physical features. This in itself can spawn a new race of people. As time goes on, and people learn to traverse the globe, races mix, and form common races. Even today, cultures approve of same race marriages to keep the race pure, but this act only divides the globe. As colors eventually mix together, the lines between races begin to fade. Each new race that is created strengthens the positions of the original races. The new race advances and joins other races in a quest for happiness, and economic prosperity.

Humans who share skin color share a certain pride in their own race. Whether it be for joining hands and gaining much economic prosperity, or for realizing that race-mates have struggled in the same manner as themselves, people tend to identify with each other based on experiences. Races that are further behind can join the race to be acknowledged as a productive people on this earth. If the races that were well to do, reached down and picked up their brothers and sisters, brought every race to the level of the highest races, it would allow new people to help us solve the problems of the world. It would allow all people to advance to a point where every human being could contribute something to better society. It would lead to advancement as a whole, more hands, more brains all working to make this world a better place.

The world is in competition mode right now. Instead of Europe, Asia, and North America (the most advanced continents of the world) working together to advance already existing technology, they are in competition to be better than the other. Industrial espionage is the one tool used to keep a certain flow of information between competing nations. Without it, every country would have to advance at its own pace. See how well that has done for what we call Third World countries. The same Third World countries that we Americans are afraid of being “terrorized” by. What is the point of keeping various peoples at different places on the “technology-timeline” when we could cooperate and advance faster. Not only advance faster, but make life better for everybody all at once. We could master the laws of nature and break the chains of government, while feeling good about ourselves and each other. We could advance so quickly as to have the answers to problems that haven’t arisen yet. We would have an arsenal of technology to leap frog over obstacles thus leaving us time to concentrate on returning the Earth to a state of balance that maintains itself for eternity, thus defeating the term “End of the World.”

Some links for you

http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/anarchist   this link brings you to a multitude of information from one of the most trusted sources in the world...the encyclopedia.

http://flag.blackened.net/antinat/ this is a small part of the flag.blackened.net site.  It's server can be unreliable at times.  This article is about nationalism and what it means, and why anarchists are against it.

http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/dward/anarchy.html This link is a page full of links, so if you like surfing you will find a ton of stuff to look at.

http://freedomunderground.org/view.php?v=1&t=1 This link brings you to a group of people who sound off against the government.  Most of them aren't anarchists, just people that think our government is corrupt.  There are some interesting articles contained in here, if you like what you see...you can join and post your own articles for people to see.  It's 100% free with no pop-ups to slow you down.  Also this group has a good video to watch about the 9/11 attacks and why things might not have happened the way you think they happened.

http://etext.virginia.edu/jefferson/quotations/ This link will bring you to my hero Thomas Jefferson.  Many, many quotes by him, some of which have appeared in this journal.  He's a man who had great ideas, but he did own slaves before the revolutionary war.  He set them free to support his claim that "all men are created equal."

http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0222-22.htm This article contains less rhetoric and more concrete issues involving today's U.S.A.

http://www.onlinejournal.com/Commentary/112504Hasty/112504hasty.html This is a good read, but it took me forever to find the third part of the series...I've found it, and here it is... http://www.onlinejournal.com/Commentary/121704Hasty/121704hasty.html

http://scorchedpig.blogspot.com/  This blog contains an intersection of life in the desert (Nevada) with political views supported by a wealth of knowledge.

Remember to surf through these before they disappear from the main page and get added to the archives.  You know you'll forget about them, then. 






Tuesday, May 17, 2005

short and sweet

A sign from a protestor angry about an essay written by a schoolchild about Ellen Degeneres says, "God hates fag enablers!" 

Well, apparently God forgot to mention that fact to some of his priests in the Catholic church.

Monday, May 16, 2005


I usually try to stay away from the latest media revelations when it comes to writing in this journal...but on the other hand, I don't like to follow the rules anyway.

Recently Newsweek put out a story about the desecration of the Muslim bible.  It claimed that the Koran was shoved into toilets, and in one instance flushed.  This set off many violent protests.  Now Newsweek is "retracting" the story.  Am I the only one that doesn't think the violent protestors will suddenly say, "oh ok...sorry 'bout that?"   Of course when an American media outlet puts out a story like that, there will be a reaction.  Does Newsweek think it can just say, "Our bad, we lied about that story.  We didn't realize it would piss you off that much, so let us stress to you...WE WERE JUST LYING!"  How does Newsweek repair this?  They have basically torched their own credibility, and how can you expect the Muslims to believe that they printed that story with no regard to the damage it would do, never mind the fact that they are trying to prove that the story was false?

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Five reasons to take risks

1.  Nothing ventured nothing gained.

2.  Sometimes not taking a chance is taking a chance.

3.  Every day that you leave your house, you are subjecting yourself to the possibility that something good or bad can happen.

4.  The founding fathers of this country took a chance when they defied British rule to create this nation.  They knew that they were expirementing with society. 

5.  Winners don't wait for chances...they take them.


Five reasons to avoid being a hermit

1.  Most great things in your life have come from another human being, possibly a friend or family member.

2.  The rest of the great things were created by you.

3.  Whether your life is accepted or not, it will make a difference to those around you in the future.  Even bad actions will help your friends and family learn how to be better.

4.  When two people get together, life becomes easier.  Even each other's touch can fuel the fire that presents positive feelings that result in good things being accomplished.

5.  You are not alone when you think about all the things your heart screams for.


Thursday, May 12, 2005

Whose interest are you interested in?

So a friend recently brought up the fact that it's hard to have a democracy when all three branches of our "checks and balances" government are controlled by one party.  In this day and age, we realize that not all Republicans vote solely along Republican lines.  And the same holds true for Democrats.  He pointed out how each of the two major parties goes through great lengths to criticize and eventually discredit the other party.  So what we have is a war between two parties so desperately trying to convince the American public that their own policies are not only true and just, but if these policies are not followed, the destruction of "America, as we know it" will ensue. Take this message from my long time friend, Thomas Jefferson:   "If ever the earth has beheld a system of administration conducted with a single and steadfast eye to the general interest and happiness of those committed to it, one which, protected by truth, can never know reproach, it is that to which our lives have been devoted." --Thomas Jefferson   All entities, whether controlling or not...should be devoted to the system of holding general interest and happiness, and not to the interests of those wishing to exploit the majority of people who willingly give their lives for what they believe to be the greater good for all of humanity.

social! society! so what?

The tobacco industry is about to falter. I live in a state where it seems like EVERYBODY smokes. Yet recently laws have been passed to raise the price of cigarettes to about $5.00 a pack. Then a smoking ban was imposed for all public places, including bars and restaurants. It appears to me that either the tobacco industry isn’t paying it’s dues in the lobby of Congress, or the insurance companies are lathering the hands of politicians to pass more laws against smoking. After all, insurance companies pay through the teeth when people who inhale through the teeth end up in a hospital bed at the end of their dear lives.
The question is this: Why do we Americans allow insurance companies to enjoy such wealth that they can change the laws of this country without our approval? Insurance is right next to real estate when it comes to getting filthy rich. We as Americans appreciate the value of knowing that in the event of an emergency, we will not have to foot the extravagant bill to put all the pieces back together. To know that in the unfortunate accident, we will not have to spend our assets to pay for damage repairs or hospital bills. I have no problem with that, I embrace it. Here’s where the situation gets tricky.
There are laws stating that we must get insurance under certain circumstances. Such as when you register a vehicle to use on the public roads. It is a very smart thing to have, because you never know when you might have an accident, especially one that is caused by situations out of anyone’s control. It is almost common knowledge that money can change the minds of many congressman, yet we allow the congressman to vote for laws insisting on the patronage of insurance companies. If insurance is such a public issue that laws must be passed to force you to purchase it, why are insurance companies a private entity? Insurance companies have as much money as they do because the law supports them at all turns and angles. The law forces you to have it, then the law allows them to deny valid claims on the insured’s first attempt. Eventually if the insured pursues the matter, and it is found to be a valid claim, the insurance company pays the claim and no harm is done. But what if the insurance company had to pay a penalty for denying a claim that ultimately was found to be valid? I’m not proposing that insurance companies should not be allowed to investigate a claim. I am proposing that before a claim can be denied, an investigation should be carried out. If after the investigation, the insurance company wants to deny the claim, they have the right to do so. BUT…in the event that they deny the claim after investigation, and the claim is turned over to be investigated by another agency who finds the claim valid, the insurance company should be penalized.
This may be confusing to some of you, but my point is, insurance in general is a social necessity in this day and age. As such, it should not be a profitable organization. As long as it is a profitable organization it will not always protect the interests of it’s clients. However the purpose of insurance is to protect it’s clients. The billions of dollars that insurance moguls have received in profits could certainly pay for a national health care system, a national automobile insurance system and even give more money to the family of a deceased young man who can no longer provide for his family. If working and contributing to society are so important, why doesn’t society pay to keep people healthy? We have to use automobiles to contribute to society, why doesn’t society pay for our automobiles?
So much of our daily labor goes to support the man who is lavished with luxury, while he does nothing to support the majority of people to do society’s work. What makes him a better person than you? Does he work harder? Does he care more about his family? What is it that tells you that you are not as worthy as him? Maybe you aren’t as worthy as we believe he is. But certainly he isn’t any more worthy than you or I. If you let him believe that he is worth more than you, then yes…he is worth more than you.

Sunday, May 8, 2005

Stand up for your rights

    Too many of us have completely forgotten why America exists.  In a short summary, our first colonists came from England.  They left England because they were tired of following the ways of life, including religion, that were most prominent in England.  More specifically they were tired of being compelled to laws based on religion.  They were tired of not being allowed to speak freely, for in their heads they knew that they were equipped with the power of knowledge.  They were tired of not being allowed to share their own opinions and views on how to live.  Most importantly, all humans are born with rights.  These rights have been taken away through trickery and bullying.  So they landed here, and after a short while (a couple hundred years or so) they decided that they shouldn't have to send money back to England because they had no use for what England was offering.  Hence the American Revolution.

     As of now, we still believe we are independent yet consider these facts:

1.  We have no choice in the passing of laws, only the Congressman who pass them.

2.  No law is passed without an attached law that is not even considered during the vote.

3.  There is a new directive to control material over the airwaves despite a major poll showing that over 80% of Americans think the government should stay out of that area and let the parents take responsibility.

4.  The religions that embrace Jesus Christ get the most "publicity" in patriotic songs yet the Jewish religion stands strong in this country and doesn't accept Jesus as the messiah.

5.  Our lives are dictated based on what the "economists" say

6.  Despite the common knowledge that education will get you further in life, if everyone got further in life, nobody would do the dirty work.

7.  The people doing the dirty work are spit upon

8.  From childhood we were taught that monopolies were illegal, yet more and more companies are buying each other out to form one massive corporation that sells Doritos, Pepsi, Pizza Hut, KFC, Taco Bell and so on...

9.  Every infringement on our freedoms follows the same path  Action, Anger, Acceptance, Amnesia  

     This country is based on freedom yet we so willingly throw our freedoms away, forwhat purpose?  To save us from the rest of the world?  When a race of people come from a land that has no natural resources, should they be looked down on?  Did they choose to be born there?  As the superior animal race on this planet, not only should we embrace all other humans, but accept them as willing partners in this thing called life.  Is it any wonder that the races mired in poverty reproduce at an accelerated rate, when that may be their only hope to overtake the lucky ones who were born on a natural resource?  Before it goes that far, they need to be embraced and there is only one thing that is stopping us from doing that.

     Profits.  Profits lead to exploitation and despoil.  They need protection from a government of some kind.  Thomas Jefferson helped start this great nation that so many are proud of, yet he said that not only is man capable of self-governing, he deserves it.  Laws do not make bad men good.  Men make laws, not laws men .

     Stand up for your rights, we are all here together, what the media shows you is not a normal cross section of the world.  It is only a portrayal of the world that gets ratings, which in turn attracts advertising, which exists to make more profits for a certain business and therefore makes profits for the media. 

     My promise to you:  In the event that things fall apart, I will bring you back to your happy life, and even make things better.  I will show you how everyone you know has a certain quality that will make your life better in turn for you providing your strength for the rest of us.  We are all here together.  United we stand, divided we fall.