Sunday, May 22, 2005

Uproot the weed instead of cutting its leaves

     What I find in dealing with the opposition is that they are always concerned with the little details of the argument.  For instance, I read a web page about the Just War Theory (  and the debate was about consequential philosophies and intrinsic philosophies.  The debate talked about how to go about war and what targets are not acceptable in war.  It talked about how vague one side could be, or how restrictive the other side can be.  My point is that war altogether is an awful thing created by the hands of the powerful to try to lasso the whole world for their own lives of luxury.

       It makes me wonder if I can get to the root of the problems I wish to solve, or if I must solve symptom after symptom to be effective.  My fear is that I will end up so consumed with solving the symptoms that we will never get to the real problem.  In today's society we are consumed with finding pills to solve our headaches, blood pressure problems, and even depression.  Never is it profitable to find the reason that these things become problems.  This is why the profit system continues to create more madness on the world.  The more problems that arise from breaking the laws of nature, the more business opportunities exist in this world.

       The end result is that those with money will always have interest in keeping the majority a victim of consequence, instead of making them benefactors of prevention.  It seems that most prevention campaigns, especially through the media are paid for by companies that will save money in the event of a successful campaign.

    We have the manpower to solve every problem known to man, but as long as it is profitable to solve only the symptoms we will never realize our true human destiny.  We have the power of free will and complex thought.  We should be able to make this Earth into its own heaven if we put our heads together.  Until the majority of the world stops following the proclaimed leaders of this world, those leaders will continue to keep conditions in their favor.  It doesn't have to be like this.

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