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Whether you like pot or not...people want pot legalized. Medicinal purposes are only the beginning. You don't have to smoke pot to care about the legalization of a plant. A natural plant.
While the justices expressed sympathy for two seriously ill California women who brought the case, the majority agreed that federal agents may arrest even sick people who use the drug as well as the people who grow pot for them.
Do you agree with the ruling?
No 79% Yes 21% Should federal drug laws be changed to allow medicinal use of marijuana? Yes 82% No 14% Not sure 3% Total Votes: 140,098 Note on Poll Results
It is just a plant. Why does the government allow thousands and thousands of chemicals to be sold ad nauseum to the American people, yet prohibits the use of something that grows from the earth naturally? Why do we allow them to do so? Based on the poll, more than 3/4 of the people polled have NO problem with marijuana serving a purpose. We're not talking a slight majority here. In light of how evenly matched we are on every other issue (read left/right, blue state/red state) this kind of majority really shows how united we are on this issue. I believe this is only the beginning. Since we can't just legalize marijuana altogether, we push it one step in the right direction. Give us medical marijuana so we can start using it the same way so many Americans chew Vicodins and other pain relievers. Let us be free.
When pot was legal, they used it to make hemp as a material to make rope and other materials. Then when Monsanto or other chemical giant made rayon, or some other synthetic material, they wanted hemp banned becausa it was competition for their product.
There has been a recent movement to bring back hemp as a building material, but there are those who feel that it would bring on the Black Plague again.
Now Viagra causes blindness - but its still legal. And pot will turn you into a psycho killer. Go get the movie "Reefer Madness" if you haven't seen it.
Laws..and more laws..ban this..ignore that..cry says i this very endless voice of all freedom ever.
Where would we all be..without you being in here for all of us.
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