Friday, February 11, 2005

just trying to take action

I posted this on a site called Freedom Underground.  It has lots of interesting info, sometimes they only wish to debate about the subjects, and when they agree, they stop talking about the subject.  But they are trying, and I am trying.  Here is the link to the site if you wish to check it out... 

Every time I visit this site, I find a lot of interesting news, posts, and ideas.  Every time I visit this site I see people pointing out the problems of this country.  I know this country is a leader in freedoms, but as this site points out:  Our freedoms keep diminishing.  So are the people involved in this site content in sharing articles of tyranny, despotism and out-right fraudualent activities? 
     Besides sharing these hypocritical views, freedom-limiting acts, and the general disrespect for our government's and corporation's show of disregard for the majority of the nation...are we doing anything to change it? 
     We have networked across the land with this website, right?  But are you guys changing the ideas and values of the people around you?  The government is imposing more and more laws to hold us down.  History has shown that when a dictatorship, a monarchy, or a government has gone too far, the people have done something about it.  They finally said, "ENOUGH!"  We are very close to doing it again.  Whether it be this year, or this presidency term, or this decade...we will stand up...but if you want to proclaim to stand for freedom, you must be some of the first ones to instill this natural need for freedom amongst the people around you.  If I help make people in my region stand up, and if you all make people in your region stand up...that's a lot of regions to stand up for reason.
     The government is paid by the people...last time I checked, when you pay somebody, they work for you.  Yet year after year, we work for the government.  We work our 8 hour shifts, pay our taxes...some of us give our 10% to a church, and when a natural disaster hits, we donate our money (time is money) to the people who have been devastated. 
     Do something...tell somebody...get your own little army together, because we all know that we all want the same basic be protected from nature, to be fed or feed ourselves, to feel happiness and joy.  Doesn't it feel good to help your fellows and doesn't it feel good to be helped by your fellows?  WE (you and me) not only make this world run, but we enjoy each other until we are divided between: upperclass middleclass, red state blue state, this religion or that religion, left or right, and every other issue that this world is divided between. 


     The proverbial "they" have divided us, and if they haven't already, they will conquer us.  It's time that WE divide and conquer.  Turn the government against itself.  Put the politicians on social security, drug test them...demand to vote for every law that they introduce.  More effectively, ignore them...stop paying them...stop bowing down to them.
     Until we do might as well get used to this slavery that we are afraid to protest.  Speak up...WE have the power...WE have the's just the fear that keeps everyone silent.

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