Sunday, November 14, 2004

This will go down in Jaylectricity history

Who makes the majority of money in this country?  The entertainers.  Musicians, actors, sports players.  Governmental officials rival the entertainers in income.  Maybe we should start electing entertainers to the government.  After all, government officials seem to be little more than entertainment for us sheep.  Then I would feel we were spending our tax dollars wisely. 

haha...I kill myself.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the heads of Corporate America. Multiple millionaires whose only requirement is to attend a board meeting once a month. With so much money they couldn't care less about Medicare or Health Care issues. They certainly don't live from paycheck to paycheck so they have no clue how a layoff affects the middle class. But they keep the power elite in power. The Right Wing is fond of complaining about the 'Hollywood elite' which tends to lean left, but seldom mention the Corporate Elite which also lives in opulent mansions and has every toy imaginable. But they are smart. Everyone knows about the lives of their favorite entertainer, but they don't investigate the lifestyles of the rich and corprotized.

Anonymous said...

We believe what we see on TV for some reason.  Yet Corporations run this media.  So if we actually got news that hurt their own corporation, or the ideas of corporations, it would be censored.  Media will throw other corporations under the bus to help get a leg up on the competition.  But we've been taught to accept this.