Sunday, April 24, 2005

Education, or lack thereof

"[If a] people [are] so demoralized and depraved as to be incapable of exercising a wholesome control, their reformation must be taken up ab incunabulis. (((Their minds [must] be informed by education what is right and what wrong, [must] be encouraged in habits of virtue and deterred from those of vice by the dread of punishments, proportioned indeed, but irremissible.))) In all cases, [they must] follow truth as the only safe guide and eschew error which bewilders us in one false consequence after another in endless succession. These are the inculcations necessary to render the people a sure basis for the structure of order and good government." --Thomas Jefferson       

In triple parentheses I've earmarked one sentence.  In this sentence Thomas Jefferson is saying that social wrong-doings should not be dealt with by imposing fear upon the wrong-doer.  At the present time we are led to be good by fear of punishment instead of being taught how we can co-exist and lend our hand towards society.  We are punished (usually monetarily) for our wrong doings but never given a reason why we should behave.  We have the education, we have the answers, but those who feel their intelligence gains them a certain advantage are using it to keep you down.  I'm sure you feel like your life isn't so bad. 

     I'm sure you believe that you don't have time for this nonsense.  I'm sure you have your own stress to deal with.  And as long as you hold that attitude, nothing will ever improve.  We will find more technology to give us better lives, yet our most basic needs will always remain the same.  We will always find it harder and harder just to stay alive, despite the luxuries we afford.      Maybe you are at a point in your life where you don't worry about food and shelter.  Maybe that entertainment center you put on your credit card is the main cause of your stress.  Maybe you are more concerned with why your kids are misbehaving than whether or not you can feed them.  Maybe you want to know why your friends have lost their jobs while the owners of the company still show up in limosines.  Whatever station you are in life, you are probably a little above the most destitute of the world.     

      Instead of reaching out to a third world country to help them live the way you do, you are taught to fear the possibility that you might end up like that third world country if you don't follow the rules.  This country is based on the people making the rules...yet most of the people here don't follow the rules because they understand their impact on society; they follow the rules because they don't want to get in trouble.  Didn't we hate to ask our parents, "why not?" and get the response, "because I said so?"  Yet we do it anyway.  There are millions of punishable acts in this country, how many did you vote for?  How many laws did you support?       I personally supported the laws that were basic human right and wrong.  I support a law that says we shouldn't kill each other.  I support a law that protects our rights.  I support a law that says we shouldn't take what's not ours.  Yet most laws are to allow big corporations to take what isn't theirs.  To protect those with the most money.  Until you realize that the police are not here to protect you, you will be exploited.  The police are here to protect the rich.  By happenchance they may protect you as's part of the scheme to keep you believing.  They freed the slaves from a life of work with food and shelter just to give them money to buy food and shelter.   But they still are slaves   

 In the thousands of years of human experience, there have been many educators.  The most important ones were silenced.  The most important ones were labeled.  The most important ones are even taught in school, yet they never speak of the ideas...just the man.  You will see big changes in this world before you die.  Don't think that history is just history.  It's life, and we are about to survive a difficult transition to the new.  If you are not ready for it, we will just be continuing the same cycle that has produced war and poverty.  Even if you do nothing about it now...keep these ideas in mind.  They will help you form a new plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Their minds [must] be informed by education what is right and what wrong, [must] be encouraged in habits of virtue and deterred from those of vice by the dread of punishments, proportioned indeed, but irremissible.)))

You are a man that sees good in all and everyone and that is good and bad. you will be hurt often and by many. As you grow older and wiser you will see that these thoughts of yours are not unqiue and that many before you and after you will have them. They are not feasible at this time. The people dont want what you are trying to tell them and you are beating your head against a cement block. You raise your voice and people run away. You are too powerful and too opinionated and dont want to hear what someone else says.  you have your own adgenda and arent thinking of the rest of the people. How many people think as you do right now? Do you need to use both hands to count them on your fingers? The world isnt ready for all the wonderous plans that you see. They dont want any part of it. maybe in the future things will change. Maybe. not now. Listen to those around you instead of talking so much.  Listen to how they think and what they say. I shake my head and walk sadly away. Until ALL  think as one, this will never come to pass. your ideas are idealistic and many before and after you will be great too. But until the people realize that killing and stealing  and hurting each other does no good for the majority nothing will change. You might as well be facing a wall and talking to it; Trust me, I have tried, My friends have tried.