Thursday, April 23, 2020

covid-19 crisis

I can't believe how Google couldn't find this blog when I searched it, but Bing could.

Bing found it at I remember it got changed to blogger, but it's kind of weird that google apparently had no recollection of this.

Anyway...we are about to witness a time when the American people are left to fend for themselves. Sure, the government is trying everything to give us money. But if they have that money to give us...why were so many of us struggling to live all this time?

There is a specific group of people that are essential to keeping us all comfortable. Those people also happen to be the lowest paid people in our society.

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

I, for one, am willing to fight for this.

Friday, June 21, 2013

I spent a lot of time talking about anarchy, laws, etc with the guys down at the supply house.

It made me energized a bit. I mentioned how we let the "rich" take over our lives. I mentioned how hard it is to do anything about it when you have a family to worry about.

Jose, the manager, and numbnuts all agreed. I feel bad that I can't remember the manager's name at the moment.

The main thing is that I've stayed away from this topic for a lot of years because it was depressing me so much to talk about it. But there was something there. I saw a little spark in what I was saying. Maybe just maybe losing a baby was a blessing in disguise.

But I have to make it so.

It seems that my girl wants to stick through everything with me. She is almost everything I was looking for.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Marriage equality

One of the arguments against gay marriage is that we'll eventually be pushing for three-way marriages, or four-way, or more. I almost want to say, why not? But then when I thought about it, we're talking about the reason people get married. To have their marriage recognized by the government means that they are connected together legally and can enjoy government benefits (services or money) on each other's behalf.

The other part of marriage is for a church to recognize the union. This isn't always necessary to some people, but it's important to others. If somebody wanted to get married and had no interest in the blessing of the church, they don't have to worry about this.  For people that are gay or want a polygamous relationship wouldn't be turning to many churches anyway. And furthermore, churches aren't government sanctioned so you could make up any crazy church you want and have that church bless your union.

If the struggle for legal polygamous marriage hits a road block, there is a work-around. You can just form a corporation. Have you and your fiancés or fiancées go into a legal agreement where you own a certain percentage of the corporation. (By the way, I wanted to point out that the plural of those words alerted the spell-check) It can be an equal share, or if one had more money than others, or whatever they wanted the arrangement to be they could choose uneven shares. It would work the same way a pre-nuptial does.

That way you get to enjoy the loopholes of corporation. You can get tax cuts by claiming certain expenses through the corporation. For example, your house/apartment/condo/etc can be company-owned employee housing. I don't want to get into how it would all work right now, my point is you could just form a corporation. You could even call it "We're married LLC" and get a website while you're at it.

Now if you're following me, and I hope you are, if you could do that for a polygamous "marriage," why couldn't you do it with a monogamous marriage?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A silly oxymoron

  thought freedom being free is what this country was founded on. It's our RIGHT to be free.
25 minutes ago ·
It's EVERYBODY'S right to be free.
24 minutes ago ·

Guess who makes us NOT free...
24 minutes ago ·

The rich people paying the poor people to shoot the other rich people's poor people.
24 minutes ago ·

Friday, February 10, 2012

It's not the people in the government that I'm talking about. It's the government itself. There are great leaders in this world and I recognize that. It's just that it shouldn't be a law that any leader is the end all be all leader. Take this down to a triangle of leader and assistant leader and I still hold the same opinion.

Then you can extrapolate it and realize that there should be no ONE leader. But currently, society is looking for that one leader with whatever assistant leaders will tow the line.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rosa Godwin

There's a term on the internet known as Godwin. It says that all internet forum arguments will devolve until somebody uses Hitler or Nazis to make their point.

I think Rosa Parks will be the new Godwin. Whenever anybody argues about a persons political actions, Rosa Parks name will be brought up.

I used it today to defend Tim Thomas for not going to the White House with the rest of his Stanley Cup winning teammates. I've used it before on this very blog.

She's my go-to when I need to talk about somebody who did something against the norm for the greater good.

This blog sucks, I just wanted to put this idea in here as maybe a jumping off point.

Monday, July 28, 2008

God made me this way

First off, I don't really believe in god.  If there is a god I'm sure he has better things to do than worry about what I'm doing.  Like solving world hunger, war, racism, etc.

But let me just humor the religious people for a minute.  What I'm about to post will be something that I may copy and paste later without the disclaimers I just gave to you.

No matter what kind of heathen you think I am, just remember...God made me this way.  God created a human being and then he created many others. God made me and surrounded me with other human beings.  God created  men who would do awful and terrible things before, during and after my birth.  God gave me eyes to see these things or accounts of these things.

God created every single situation that ever has existed and can do so forever despite whatever laws are created to combat those actions.  God can make grown men fancy little girls and their naked bodies.  God can make a man rape, kill and steal from an entire race of people.  God can create a man that will forever rule Hell and tempt anybody to do anything considered evil.

God is perfect.  Everything he has ever done is perfect and cannot be refuted.  God created Satan and made him the entity that he is.  God created Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Timothy McVeigh, Osama Bin Laden and George W. Bush.  God created Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and even O.J. Simpson.

Don't judge me because God made me like this.